RNA Diagnostics
From Cancer to Covid
Residual Disease
Outside of our pandemic work, we use genomics and machine learning to detect residual solid tumor.
Residual disease is cancer that remains after a treatment.
Patients with liquid tumors have benefited from a series of technical revolutions in residual disease detection.
But patients with solid tumors like breast cancer have been left behind. Until now.
Products to Support Covid-19 Labs
Clear Gene helps clinical labs process more samples, for less cost, using your existing equipment.
MICA Software™ uses an advanced signal-processing algorithm to make more reliable Ct calls. If your lab uses multiple tests and instruments, you can replace multiple interpretive software programs with one interface.
MICA Test Kits are rapid, sensitive, drop-in replacements for PCR.
MICA–Direct™ Kits provide reagents to replace tedious RNA isolations with 5-minute extractions that are compatible with PCR and isothermal tests like MICA.

About Us
We're a group of careful scientists, quietly working behind the scenes to arm those labs on the front lines of patient care.

Culture of Innovation
Life-changing advances require an environment that nurtures unorthodox ideas while simultaneously rewarding methodical product development.
We strive to work along both ends of the innovation spectrum.
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